Letter from Noura

I want to tell you a story.

(28-07-2015) On this day, 8 years ago, I moved to the Netherlands with my family. My life was busy… so many new situations, feelings and emotions.

Days went by and my children grew up, everything was ok for them.

But me, I had to pause for a minute.

I had to do something for myself, but everything needs a language. Language is the key to everything. At that moment in time I felt remorseful, but I did not gave up on myself.

I had to start from scratch.

And I decided to pull through.

And I started from zero, with you.

I am really grateful for having you in my life.

You have taught me so much.

I can see my progress.

I found myself again with you.

You really are an awesome teacher, kind and caring.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

A letter from one of my students. It shows how hard it is for newcomers to adapt and fit in, but also how hard they work for it to do just that. I am just grateful I could contribute to that process.