Teaching nurses in Manila, Phillipines

I am so happy and grateful for this adventure and the opportunity to teach such highly motivated and hardworking Philippine nurses. I did not know exactly what to expect when i left for Manila, but it turned out to be one the most special teaching jobs I ever had.

Before I taught them they had only had 6 weeks of Dutch lessons, but I think you can see from their presentations, they were quick learners. Early on they already learned the vocabulary and all the necessary terminology you need in order to be able to care of elderly people in nursing homes and other facilities when they start working in the Netherlands.

And of course, we did typical Dutch things like baking pancakes and celebrating Sinterklaas with a bag of gifts and poems.

All to soon my six weeks came to an end with a lovely goodbye and christmas party (with karaoke of course). And after another 3 month course from one of my colleagues they were ready to move to the Netherlands. I still keep in touch with these wonderful young women.